The only accredited CHAP training
The only accredited CHAP training
The Care Home Assistant Practitioner Role is still relatively new, but is growing in popularity amongst business owners and care staff. For business owners is provides a skilled workforce able to support the nurses in Nursing Homes, where recruitment of nurses is now a serious problem, by supporting the nurses you enable them to do more 'nursing' and less of the paper based tasks that can take them away from providing the care you residents deserve.
In Residential Homes the CHAPS are able to provide the link between the care staff and the District Nurses, ensuring that your residents receive a more seamless service.
The benefit to your carers is the level of satisfaction they receive from achieving a bespoke qualification, that can include both Level 2 & 3 courses, while meeting the needs of your residents and care team. By becoming a CHAP your carers develop the skills they already have to the next level, while being able to provide your residents with the care and attention they need.
What is included?
This can vary according to the needs of your setting, it can include anything from MCA & DoLS to PEG feeding to Tracheostomy care.
What is involved?
We recommend 12 days of training to cover the basics and any practical elements, your staff will be provided with reading material and questions that will be both challenging and thought provoking.
From experience we recommend follow up sessions every 6 months and that one of our trainers / assessors meet with your CHAP staff during the first 6 months to monitor their progress. In many ways it is similar to them completing a Diploma.
Can we have CHAPS in Domiciliary Care?
There is no reason why you could not have CHAPS level carers working in the community, we would be happy to discuss this with you to identify your particular requirements.
I am an individual, can I do my CHAP training?
Yes, as long as your employer will support you in your learning. Or you can sign up to the CHAPS Individual Virtual Course and fund this yourself.
Total cost £900 and can be spread over 3 payments.